Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wrestling: My Thoughts, Why so much backlash?

Hey guys,

I'm coming at you with my first blog for this page.  Well technically the first topic I want to discuss & that's wrestling.  First off, I won't go in-depth with current thoughts about the business (i.e. talking about certain wrestlers, my favorite wrestlers, matches, and so on) but today it's more of going over my thoughts.  Wrestling is a broad topic but the most part I do enjoy the sport.  Now there are different types of wrestling.  A lot of people think wrestling is Olympic-style.  But I am more of fan of the sports entertainment and I've been hooked if I had to think back since 1996.  Because too be honest, I don't remember watching a lot of cartoons that much especially in the growing up in the 90's.  I was more hooked on stuff that was entertaining.  For example, I was hooked on game shows (yes, even game shows that Nickelodeon put out) even other shows such as American Gladiators and so forth.  I'm not saying I never watched cartoons but I remember being about 7 or 8 years old & being more drawn to entertaining shows.  So back in 1996, I got hooked on wrestling and 15 years later I can say that I still enjoy it from time to time.

Now of course I knew it was fake.  That was no surprise too me.  But it was just at the time I really enjoyed what I saw.  So many interesting characters, story lines, and some damn good matches.  Now we can say the industry has definitely changed but I've always been a fan of the sport and still today at the age of 22.  Now like I've said before a lot of people have different perspectives on the sport.  But I'm a fan of sports entertainment.  So I do enjoy the mixing of characters, mixing of styles, and so forth.  But throughout the years, wrestling in the form of sports entertainment has received a lot of backlash.  Now there is some arguments that are perhaps understandable but I've never understood why so many people bash it.  I mean people constantly put it down by saying "it's fake", "it's gay", "not really a sport", and so on.  First off, it is a sport in my opinion.  Just because its labeled as sports entertainment doesn't minimize the fact that people do get hurt or suffer injuries.  Now like I said it is sports entertainment, but ya got to keep in mind that it requires constant physical contact.  Every wrestler has a background in wrestling for a reason.  It's not like they just put 2 guys together and expect a solid match.  That's why wrestling is a tough profession because even though a lot of people pick at it for being fake just because something is planned out or choreographed doesn't mean that anything bad can't happen.

So I don't understand why it is often the target of scrutiny.  I mean just look at other sports.  For example, football.  Strategies in football are planned out and then put into action.  Same thing with wrestling.  Yes, things are planned out and the difference between both sports is that in wrestling the outcome is set.  But anything can happen in regards to physical contact.  Wrestlers have often broke their necks, legs, arms, suffered spinal injuries, and so on.  Plus, being on the road 300 + days a year can cause wear & tear.  It's not like that have a few months off to compose their bodies or to gather energy.  That's why I have so much respect for the sport.  I'm not saying that everyone has to agree but I just don't understand the constant backlash.  Also, a lot of people go along with this notion "well if you enjoy wrestling, then you're dumb & you lack intelligence"... and too me it's just funny how often people say that but yet vial crap like Jersey Shore is so much better??? So I don't understand how often people bash wrestling for being fake but an entire country can get behind and condone crap like Jersey Shore or Dancing With The Stars.  I mean if you enjoy it, that's fine.  People can use the same argument.  But I'm not going to bash this person or that person for liking something of that nature.

But all in all, it's been a good discussion.  Everyone has different opinions and at the end of the day, it's all good.  So I can't complain much.  Like I've said before wrestling has changed but I'm always a fan of the sport.  Maybe one day I will go into my favorite wrestlers, matches, or whatever.  But today was more of sharing my thoughts about the sport & why I do enjoy it and respect it.  So I hope you enjoyed this blog and stay tuned for more random blogs.  Take care.  :)

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