Sunday, November 13, 2011

Random Blog: Thoughts on Intolerance & Fake People - Part 1/2

Hey guys,

I return with another trivial topic & I want to start off by asking ya this: Why do we deal with intolerance on a constant basis? Why are people so caught up in wrecking the lives of others because they don't conform to the normal life style? These 2 questions are just the beginning of what is going to be a very interesting discussion.  Now there are different ways to observe or to define intolerance.  But the thing that frustrates me the most is going out into society & it's a constant issue.  Now of course, everyone is different.  Everyone is unique in their own way.  I mean if we we're all the same then how could get along with ourselves or other people? If everyone was the same then easily this world would become more generic.  It's that simple.  Now intolerance is something I gripe about every now & then with good reason because I believe every one should stand out and be different, but yet that quality is often the target for hate or unfairness.  So why do we put up with it? Why is it that we often hear of people getting beat up, picked on, or whatever for being different? It's just frustrating when I hear people who live a different life style being the target for hate.  Teenagers that are gay/bi-sexual are constantly being caught in these situations which have lead to depression & sometimes suicide.  People who are atheists are being ridiculed for choosing in what they want to believe & it's frustrating that society is constantly rejecting them because they choose to not believe in God.

It's just sick and it makes me sad when I hear of these things happening around me.  I don't understand why some people have to be so caught up into conforming of what's right, living the right life, and sometimes that mentality drives them to spreading animosity towards others who are different.  I do blame society in a lot of ways.  Society has become so righteous & correct that we have to conform to this or that and if we don't, then we are tossed out like trash.  Now of course ya got Christians which I can understand the arguments when people go after Christians.  But I'm not here to bash Christians.  Christians are defined in different ways & no one is perfect but I see it as they can believe in what they want & it doesn't bother me.  A lot of people go after Christianity for many reasons because they conform to certain beliefs & often they spread those beliefs but I can't let that bother me.  Because even though I disagree a lot of things in regards to Christianity, believe me.  But it's our responsibility to have the same attitude as well against intolerance, unfairness, and injustice.  I mean it's not going to do any good or make someone a better person if we go after Christianity by attacking or nitpicking with their lives, or whatever when we should be more about standing up for the ones that have been rejected from society.  The people who are gay/bi-sexual, atheists, and so forth.  We need to focus on the positive & be there for those who are different.  We can't dictate the lives of others or tell people how they should live.  Now ya can say sometimes Christians can be that way a lot and I can agree in some ways.  But at the end of the day, everyone has control of their own lives & how they choose to live it.  Society is that way too because a lot of times ordinary people are driven by hate, intolerance, or hypocrisy.  It's everywhere.  It's not just in one or two places, it's widespread & it's an everyday problem.

So I do believe intolerance is a disease.  Some might say the same thing about homosexuality, atheism, or whatever but displaying animosity against those who are gay, atheists, or whatever does not make them the better person.  It doesn't justify anything and it amazes me that some people are caught up in this mindset of going after someone different is the right thing to do & brings them peace and it's just stupid.  So there is nothing wrong with being different.  It's better to stand out than to go with the flow.  But overall, I stand up for being different.  There is nothing wrong with that.  Now sometimes society, sometimes Christianity can try to persuade you to think differently.  But the bottom line is that there is nothing wrong going against the grain.  No one has to conform to society & living the normal life because really in the end,  normal is overrated.  That's just my 2 cents.  So I hope you enjoyed Part 1 and stay tuned for Part 2!

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